So, my plan had been to write a single blog post about all four comics which I picked up over April and jot down my thoughts about each.
Then I wrote a near essay about Lazarus #27.
As a result, rather than write the other three together, I figured I'd split them all up and write my thoughts individually.
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Action Comics #1000. What an awesome cover. Photo from Comixology. |
Full disclosure time, I had initially planned to read this first. However, after struggling through the first story late at night (so presumably due to tiredness), I gave up and decided to move on to Lazarus and come back after. Well, I'm glad I did this because, upon returning to Action Comics #1000, I loved all eighty pages of this issue as every single story was a fantastic read and incredibly relevant to Superman as each portrayed him in the way I certainly feel the character is (and, based on Twitter, I think others do too).
Of course, while I enjoyed every story offered here, there were some tales which resonated with me more than others. Chief among them had to be 'Faster than a Speeding Bullet', which saw Superman putting his all into reaching a woman before he is shot, despite knowing he won't make it. I absolutely Loved this story as Brad Meltzer not only nailed the idea that, despite knowing he'd fail, Superman never gives up but also that his influence appears to rub off as the victim doesn't appear to either. This story telling, coupled with Cassaday's gorgeous art just made this a joy for me to read.
And I noticed that, despite all other difference, the theme all these stories share is that Superman isn't just a crime fighter, he's someone who inspires people to be better. The Car, by Geoff Johns, Richard Donner and Oliver Coipel (whose usually glorious art looks truly fantastic here) is another great example as, after stopping a crook in his car, Superman appeals to the crook's better nature. I loved this story just as much as 'speeding bullet.'
The same occurred in the Fifth Season written by Scott Synder and drawn by Rafael Albuquerque, where Superman confronts Lex Luthor regarding a new evil scheme. Again, much like in 'the Car', despite the animosity between the two characters, Superman still manages to bring the best out of his nemesis by the end. This goes on and on throughout the issue; from the City that has Everything, Actionland, and Enemy Within, all of these stories continue the idea that Superman's very presence and existence makes everyone, heroes, villains, regular bystanders, better.
The, there was Tom King and Clay Mann's 'Of Tomorrow' and Louise Simonson and Jerry Ordway's 'Five Minutes', both of which I absolutely adored (probably Five Minutes a bit more than Of Tomorrow) because I think they gave some greater insight into what makes Superman tick and how he came to be the man we all know. His doing everything at once in a five minute interval wall really enjoyable and truly felt like Superman's life on an average day (you know, when he's not battling Kryptonian armies or giant robots or whatever). Meanwhile, Superman's bidding farewell to his parents in 'Of Tomorrow' just brought a tear to my eye.
The, there was Tom King and Clay Mann's 'Of Tomorrow' and Louise Simonson and Jerry Ordway's 'Five Minutes', both of which I absolutely adored (probably Five Minutes a bit more than Of Tomorrow) because I think they gave some greater insight into what makes Superman tick and how he came to be the man we all know. His doing everything at once in a five minute interval wall really enjoyable and truly felt like Superman's life on an average day (you know, when he's not battling Kryptonian armies or giant robots or whatever). Meanwhile, Superman's bidding farewell to his parents in 'Of Tomorrow' just brought a tear to my eye.
In truth I could gush about this issue forever and a day. While I thought it would be good (because when you have A-class talent you have on this book, you are NOT buying an unknown quantity of writing and/or art), the fact is that Action Comics #1000 is a phenomenal, providing me with stories of the Superman I know and love, depicting him how he should be.
Which leads me into the final story, Truth, by Brian Michael Bendis and Jim Lee, which appears to be set up for the Man of Steel mini due out over June. While I was in two minds about what Bendis would with character when his run finally started, this 'preview' has me fully on board, so well written was the story and characters (the dialogue between the two women in the café were quite the highlight for me). In fact, I'm now seriously torn on whether to buy that mini-series, mainly due to the fact it would exceed my budget (first world comic buying problems).
All I can hope from this issues is that a lot were like me and bought it because it's the 1000th issue and, again like me, they now want to jump on board both Action and Superman (and any other comic for those new to the hobby). Superman deserves more attention and recognition than I ultimately think he gets and now we've been given absolute proof that creators at DC understand how the character ticks, maybe comic fans will be shown more often.
Because Superman is a great character and (in my opinion) far more relatable to Batman.
And this issue proves it!
All I can hope from this issues is that a lot were like me and bought it because it's the 1000th issue and, again like me, they now want to jump on board both Action and Superman (and any other comic for those new to the hobby). Superman deserves more attention and recognition than I ultimately think he gets and now we've been given absolute proof that creators at DC understand how the character ticks, maybe comic fans will be shown more often.
Because Superman is a great character and (in my opinion) far more relatable to Batman.
And this issue proves it!