Monday 14 October 2019

Fantastic Four: #15 and my thoughts on the 'Four'seeable future.

As I write this, it's been two days since I wrote what was a very different post about this subject. However, the more I thought about it, the more I feared I was going to a place I couldn't come back from. I asked the question on Twitter; should I re-write this post and be nicer or should I stick to my guns and post the original opinion.

Post the original opinion won with 100% of the vote!

That really should have been the end of this issue. However, as the vote was ongoing (and even beyond it in fact), it's been preying on my mind. Was I too brutal, too negative? This is a place for my opinions for my own reasons and anyone who reads them is welcome to do so or not (depending on their point of view). However, I realised (with a little help) that I don't want to be negative for negatives sake and I'd really like to find some good points about even the worst comics I read. But also, I lot of my original problems weren't to do with the comic I read, but with underlying issues relating to it.

Fantastic Four #15 cover.
Therefore, I thought I'd try again.

So Fantastic Four #15 came out a week last Wednesday (as of when I post this), which picked up from where the previous issue ended as the FF got into their space ship to complete the original mission they had set out to do in #1 way back in the 60's. However, the planet they were aiming for was not uninhabited, nor were those living there unexpectedly of their arrival as Spyre's (the planet's name) own super team, the Unparalleled, lay in wait for the 'evil' Fantastic Four to arrive and complete their mission to 'destroy' this planet. From there misunderstandings and fisticuffs ensue.

I have to be honest and point out that, while I had been struggling with the Dan Slott run up until this point with the wedding and the first two stories not really feeling like classic FF as I know it, the run had started to feel like it was moving upwards. Thanks to the two Richards kids related issues, followed then by the awesome Thing/Hulk story and finally the previous issue's awesome set up of this new arc, I felt like the series given to me was finally turning into the Fantastic Four comic I love. Therefore, I really felt we'd turned a corner and was gentirely excited for this issue and to see what happened next.

The Thing once again taking down
a bigger opponent.
Unfortunately, I will admit at this point that my enjoyment was sullied a little by the revelations which came from the synopsis for the upcoming two issues.

And this is what brings me to rewriting this post because, while I allowed what I read about the series and my concerns influence my thoughts on this issue, in reality issue 15 isn't as bad as I originally perceived.

Issue 15 did indeed have a lot of things in it that I enjoyed. Foremost of these things is Paco Medina's artwork which continues to look as phenomenal as the last issue, being so colorful and vibrant with some... well, 'Fantastic' character designs (especially Overseer). Then there is the overall introduction of the Unparrelled. I was really thrown when I first opneed the issue to find a recap page from this new teams perspective, but it was a fun change of pace, as were the first few pages as we learned more about them. I thought this was a good choice as it told us that this Justice League analogy (which I'm saying based purely on there are seven of them and they have a 'hall of justice') were indeed the good guys (who I bet will get their own mini series after this arc) and the whole fight was just a big misunderstanding (a staple of comic books).

'Hey, look who's coming to
I also really loved Reed using classic movie lines like 'take us to your leader'!!

That said, beyond those points I really struggled as I read this issue because it just felt very bog standard. That's not to say it is a bad book because it (obviously) had some good ideas. However, I just felt that it suffered from being a mid arc issue where the set up has been done and the second act reveal hasn't quite arrived (that'll be next issue).

However, I think the things which caused to write so negatively previously aren't to do with the issue itself, but what this issue (coupled with those synopsis) hint at going forward.

I think I've made it clear by now that I'm having a problem with the heavy focus on the Thing in this series. Not that the ever loving blue eyed Ben Grimm isn't deserving of time in the spotlight, but it just felt like its been nothing but. Only between issues 10 to 14 (where, admittedly, two issues have been Thing-centric) has it felt that the focus has begun to even out.

Medina's artwork is just 'WOW'!!
Unfortunately, as this issue picked up steam, I felt like it was plainly apparent where the story was going to go; with Ben Grimm leading a rebellion to save this world from the real bad guy of the Overseer while Reed and Sue watch from the sidelines and Johnny forced into a fight to the death for a woman's heart before he returned back to his status quo, all of whom (and the other Unparrelled members) can't help Ben, probably because of some inhibiting by those armbands.

Of course, I neither mean nor want to sound so cynical and, in fairness, this mightnot actually be what happens as Slott and Medina turn this into a true team victory story as all of the 4 have their time to shine. However, I donly feel as though I am on the right track with my theory which I find extremely frustrating. I understand that Ben is a very popular and relatable character and, due to his prior history with the character, I can understand the gravitating to him. That said, this isn't Ben Grimm's comic (despite my constant belief that it'll be renamed to 'the Thing and friends' every month) but the 'Fantastic Four', which has four main characters who are all interesting and relatable in their own ways (for me it's Reed) and so as much focus on this title belongs to Reed, Sue and Johnny as to Ben.

Sadly, I don't see that changing, at least anytime soon. I hope it does and will gladly admit that I'm wrong if and when it does.

That said, it's still a comic I like as I do still get the briefest of moments which I come to want and expect from a Fantastic Four comic.

However, unless it becomes more like what I want, I'll probably tone down the amount I talk about it because, as was mentioned to me, I should talk about the comics I love to tell people and remind myself later why I love them.

And maybe that'll be this Fantastic Four run again soon.

(That's right, I'm dreaming big!!!)

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