We're only halfway through February but after a bit (requested) feedback about the last time the January post detailing everything i read, i thought I'd break it in two halves to make it shorter.
So, rather that stand on ceremony, I'm just gonna dive in.
Vessels #1-3 - Another title I read for a
review (while also being my January mandate for a Comichaus read), Vessels turned out to be a tough one to review as I focused only on issue 3, which felt like a mid-series issue, whereby it simply was filler as it moved the story from beginning to end (if that makes sense). That said, having read all three issues, I really enjoyed this series. Dave Cook put together a very addictive, interesting epic which looks absolutely gorgeous and has the characters which feel as though they are actually growing in to stronger versions of themselves from the prior issues. I am a little confused by some things and would like answers sooner rather than later, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a strong, visually stunning read. I seriously look forward to future issues.
Motorcycle Samurai: A Very White Bolt Christmas - I recently (as in before Christmas) read the 0 issue of this series and absolutely loved it. Therefore, I recently downloaded three one shots, this being one of them which saw the titular heroine chase off Nasty Saint Niq and his 8 strong Reindeer gang as they rumble into town to steal everyone's Christmas gifts. With issue 0 I felt that this was a fun read, something that didn't need to be taken too seriously, and that was a sense I got with this Christmas special. I think that Chris Sheridan writes one hell of a entertaining comic here, with the Motorcycle Samurai coming off a little like Deadpool but far more tolerable (I really feel that Wade Wilson is just too over the top), while the art has this quirky, almost childlike look which doubles down on the feel that this isn't meant to be anything more than good, in the moment entertainment.
Motorcycle Samurai: Variable - Variable was another Motorcycle Samurai one-shot which, this shifted the focus towards the eponymous character's origin, as it is retold but with a twist. However, unlike White Bolt Christmas, I struggled to get as invested in this story as I did that last story. Of course, that's not to say it's a bad story as I still enjoy the art and the subverted storytelling method was a cool twist, it's just that, overall, it didn't feel as strong to me. However, this 'bump in the road' doesn't turn me off of the series, although it might make me a little wary.
Galactic Guardians #1 - Galactic Guardians was a free issue offered by Comixology which told the origin story of a futuristic Guardians of the Galaxy-like team, I think. I say 'I think' because even after reading the issue I struggle to fully understand what exactly was going on. For me, this comic was all kinds of chaotic and I'm not sure if it's indicative of a 90's comic but, if it is, I can understand now why the period gets such a bad rap. In the here and now though, this really wasn't my thing and it's safe to say I wouldn't go back.
X4 #1 - A comic I've been excited for since it was announced, X4 sees Chip Zdarsky return to writing the FF (which I think should have been for the series proper but I digress) with art from the Dodsons as we see the beginning of a battle between the first family and the X-men (in their new status quo) over Franklin Richards. I'll be honest, I feel that I may have hyped this comic up in my own head too much because I felt that this first issue was very reserved, holding back from what it could be. That said, the four were written how I feel they should be, the X-Men were intriguingly suspect and every page was a joy to look at. In the end, while it seems like its holding back, I'm in to the end and am confident the series as a whole will deliver.
Morbius the Living Vampire #1 - Another comic which Comixology offered for free, this issue of Morbius came from the series which spun out of events just prior to Superior Spider-Man. This issue saw the living vampire, attempting to lie low, attract unwanted attention in the guise of local thugs and vampire hunters. A bit of a simplistic explanation, it is a simple story (apart from the beginnings of the overall arc plot) but I found it to be so engaging in how it was written and with such a nice horror-like artwork that I've already added the entire run to my wishlist. A recommendation for its quality if I could ever there was one.
Torch #1 - Yet another free comic (they are kind of being used to plug gaps in my reading schedule), Torch tells the story of Toro, the original Human Torch's sidekick, having recently (at the time) been brought back from the dead, tries to find his place amongst the land of the living. He feels that the best place to start is by finding and killing the man who killed him: the Mad Thinker. Based on the Alex Ross cover alone I felt I was going to enjoy this, believing it would imbue a lot of what made Marvels great. And despite the art not looking like Ross' (I'd have said it looks more like Lark's work from Captain America). That said, I found the idea an the way it played out interesting enough (I'm also curious who the vision is because he should be teen-vision) that I'd be happy to see how the rest of the story plays out sometime.
The Show - Another Pipedream
review (and my February Comichaus read), the Show is (simply put) an absolutely phenomenal comic!!! In fact, I read this in 30 minutes (My standard is 15 minutes per issue) it was THAT good!!! Now, this series had some issues, such as a couple of plot holes and relatively 2D characters, however, I found the concept fascinating, the way the story progresses captivating, and the final reveal stunning. Meanwhile, though the art is a little inconsistent given that the artists changed over after one issue, both of them do amazing work on their respective issues which actually doesn't look too different from each other in the end and the story even make the changeover feel deliberate given the twist at the first issue's end. Overall, I'd say this is a real diamond in the rough kind of comic and would might say it's one of my top for the year (although 2020 is still young).
Batman Ego and Other Tails - A comic I picked up during a Comixology sale after reading the awesomeness that is New Frontier. Batman Ego is a collection of Darwyn Cooke's best Batman related stories, including the eponymous Ego, Selina's Big Score and an eclectic array of shot stories with other great talents. I have to confess, I spent the whole read subconsciously comparing it to New Frontier. However, while I didn't feel it was as good, Ego was a fantastic read, with almost all of the stories contained within absolutely entertaining. But, as expected, the Cooke art made it all worth the price of purchase, it was that glorious a visual treat for me. So while I said it can't compare, it was still a phenomenal read and I must read for a Cooke fan like myself.
Locke & Key, Vol. 1: Welcome to Lovecraft - The beginning of a re-read to lead into new reads (I've read the first two volumes and bought the last four since), the first volume shows the Locke family's move to their familial home of Keyhouse after their father's murder to find a world of mystery and magic within. I could probably be less vague but after reading the first volume I'm convinced this is in the top five comic series I've ever read. The art is gorgeous beyond belief and the story is not only brutal and emotional but addictive as hell. I almost dont want to read until the end for fear that it wont live up to the hype but I will (after a small break of other comics) because I think it is THAT good.
Comic reading Count: 29
And there you have it, the first half of February read!!
In truth, I could easily stop now because I've reached 29 (one a day in February). My novels would sure appreciate it because I've got a few to read (such as Leviathans Wake). However, I'm not because this is a perfect opportunity to get ahead in my one a day numbers.
And also, I've got reviews needing doing, Locke and Key needing reading and the finale of Superman Smashes the Klan out on Wednesday.
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