Monday 7 February 2022

#439 - Off the Racks: Superman and Robin #1

Once again, I seem to have written a post that I hadn't planned on. Given that I try and utilise every spare minute I have, between this blog, reviews and everything else, I try and live by some degree of a schedule.

Alas, that seems to have stumbled once again, the third time since the New Year started.

Originally, I had planned to talk about this comic along with the other pull list comics from January. However, I ended up buying it the week after its release and ran put of time in which to read it.

Then I planned to include it with the pull list comics at the end of February, but then I became inspired to write all of this and so instead here I am.

Then again, this comic wasn't on my pull list, instead being grabbed from direct from the shelves. Therefore, maybe it deserves its own post.

So, over this weekend I've read Superman and Robin #1, a one-shot from the regular Super sons writer, Peter Tomasi, where the new Man of Steel and the current Boy Wonder reunite (despite their now obvious age difference) to investigate a possible break in at the Fortress of Solitude.

So, more of an 'off the rack' than a 'from the pull list', this issue seemed to call to me from the wall as I perusing my LCS, waiting for a space to be served and get the goods from my slot in their filing cabinet. And as I looked upon this cover and this title, the idea of a now grown up Jon Kent and a still kiddish Damian Wayne and how they interacted intrigued me greatly. That said, the fact that Peter Tomasi, who had written the Super Sons ever since Rebirth (including the only story of theirs I've read: Super Sons of Tomorrow), was on writing duties here certainly helped seal the deal.

Fortunately, Superman and Robin didn't disappoint as I thought that it was a fun and light-hearted adventure which once again showed off how well Tomasi gets the dynamic between the two. I absolutely adore the friendship between these two characters, something which really works well given how much I normally dislike Damian Wayne. However, despite the change in circumstances, I really thought that Tomasi got the chemistry really well, regardless of the fact that these new circumstances led to a minor change in their roles (with Jon being more serious and Damian being a bit more light hearted and quippy, like two contrasting extremes coming together).

Meanwhile, I really liked the art by Viktor Bogdanovic (along with an army of inkers and colourists), which really got the alien feeling that the Fortress should emit (with it's alien artifacts and creatures and so on) as it really reminded me of the work by Kenneth Rocafort back when he worked with Paul Cornell on Action Comics (post Black Ring, pre Flashpoint). There were a couple of things which bugged me and they were predominantly Robin based (his costume and his personality because, while he wasn't as bad, he was still a little annoying) but, overall, this one shot was a good read which didn't feel dark and serious at all.

My only concern now is whether the comic has any re-readability to it (because initial impressions tell me it might not).

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