As I try to get back into the writing groove, it's been about three weeks since I last posted something.
Not exactly the gap I had planned, but certainly an improvement on the 3 month hiatus which came before.
Now, would it have been longer? Maybe. But fortunately, it wasn't as October came to an end and I was finally able to to get in to my Local Comic Shop and pick up the outstanding comics from my pull list.
So, here they are. The Comics for my October pull list, in reading order, were:
Fantastic Four #48 - The first half of David Pepose's 2-part Judgement Day tie-in really had me simultaneously hooked in and blown away. As a result, I couldn't wait the month (well three) between me picking up issues 47 and 48. Unfortunately, I think the overhype I gave the first instalment ruined the second because, issue 48 didn't hold up to what ha come before it. That's not to say that it wasn't good, because it was; the writing, focus on Sue and Cabal's art were all still great. However, after what issue 47 gave us, this felt like a slight let down. Of course, I've only read it once and, maybe when looked at in conjunction to the first part, that might change my point of view.
- Do a Powerbomb #5 - This series continues to knock me down at every issue and the fifth part is certainly no exception (or, more specifically, an entry with a harder punch). I wasn't expecting the issue to end the way it did, especially given that there are still two more to go. However, the way that the cliff-hanger went from one twist to another in such a short order really got my jaw hitting the floor. Otherwise, this series continues to consistently wow me with all the other aspects of it and leaving shouting out from the crowds for more.
- X-Terminators #2 - After reading the first issue a second time I discovered a bit more of an appreciation to this book and found myself intrigued and looking forward to part two. The second issue however, doesn't quite keep up with the opening instalment, but the revelation that the story is now a recap of sorts and the quick scenes of the present certainly has me more intrigued about where X-Terminators is going. I do hope that the third issue doesn't degrade in the same manner as this one but maybe a re-read here will bring its quality up like it did last time.
- Star Trek #1 - I picked up this comic because, after all of this time we were promised a 'what happened next' for Sisko after his finale at the end of DS9. That said, while I've had an up and down relationship with Trek comics in the past, I don't think I was quite prepared for how good a read I would find this opening issue. I absolutely loved this issue, from the great art to the tremendous connections across all of the Trek shows (minus Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks ... that I could tell). Now it isn't perfect and it has some niggles about it (mainly to do with continuity), but I am so pumped after reading this and am really looking forward to the future issues.
- New Fantastic Four #5 - The final instalment of this mini series and it went to the bottom of my pile simply because I wasn't looking forward to it. Well, in a sort of pre-ordainment, this issue was much like its predecessors in that it just wasn't my thing. The story felt clunky and, while the art was ok, it wasn't enough to turn me around. I might give this a second chance and re-read the series as a whole but otherwise I might avoid any future trips to this concept ... including the also Peter David created Symbiote Spider-Man.
A slightly smaller month than September but a good quality one regardless. The big surprise for me though was Star Trek, which even now has me thinking on things that would have taken more than a single paragraph to write about (had I done so).
Maybe I'll do another post focusing on just that issue.
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