Friday, 7 March 2025

How (I Think) One World Under Doom Should Proceed!

So, I recently read Fantastic Four #29, the beginning of the series tie-in to the 'One World Under Doom' event and, I must admit, I really enjoyed it. In an overall story of hearts and minds being convinced to follow a villain, it was fun to have a relatively one-and-done tale (which Ryan North's series seems to have embraced) focusing on heroes battling that by being just generally fantastic.

Now, I haven't picked up the main series yet (I figured I'd wait until the trade comes out), but I have myself intrigued about where this story goes.

So much so, that I do have some ideas of my own.

I'm assuming (because, you know, I haven't read it yet) that OWUD follows Doom's ever so consistent belief that his leadership of the world is for the best. However, FF 29 shows an idea that the problems Doom's leadership causes can be fixed by other, dare I say more heroic, minds.

So, here's my thought on where things should go. FF should continued its tie-ins in a similar manner to issue 29. When the FF discover a problem brought on by Doom's own attempts to fix either the same or a connected problem, they are able to fix it completely, undermining, Doom's authority.

However, with each solving of a problem, the general public become more enamoured by Doom through his propaganda.

Meanwhile, in the main series, Doom's frequent undermining by the FF would cause his pride to lose control, leading to a point where his actions then have an adverse effect to his popularity. As things progress, his authority and the goodwill he has mysteriously acquired begins to degrade, leading to Reed Richards to run against him as 'leader of the world'.

For reasons I don't quite understand, 'Mister Fantastic' is not as popular as Doom in the real world, due to his perceived flaws. I get it, he's somewhat ignorant of his family's needs and can be a little condescending, but, as someone diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, these actions actually sound very familiar.

On the other hand, Doom is an incredibly dramatic dictator who believes primarily in his own superiority.

Therefore, to see these two locked in a battle of wills, with Richards wanting to run on his accomplishments will Doom fighting back by focusing on his rivals flaws would be an interesting story, especially if the fictional audience mirrors real life by only seeing Reed's problems.

Also, I think it would mirror some more important real world events going on right now.

How it ends, I don't know. In truth, I would suspect the good guys win, although wouldn't it be interesting to see them lose, and Doom's rule becoming part of the status quo a la Dark Reign.

Of course, if I could write this kind of thing, then maybe I'd be on the other side of the comics curtain. However, it is an interesting theory to ponder about.

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