This month has been a fun old month for me. A change in job has meant my wife has been collecting all the comics on my standing order (with which she did a sterling job).
It has also been a month which has seen DC launch a whole bunch of new issue 1's (of which I picked up four), while Marvel have practically shut up shop to focus on Secret Wars (of which I've not touched). Along with these, I've also been reviewing a few for Pipedream which has, in the end, allowed me to get a fair few books read within the last thirty days.
Of course, as usual, I can only have a top 5, so here they are.
5. Earth 2: Society #1 (DC Comics) - Earth 2 was a great series which got totally screwed over (in my opinion) when DC meddled and gave use the mess which was Worlds End.
Well, it looks like this particular ship has been righted with Earth 2: Society, which I thought was a great return to form. What I really loved about this book was Jorge Jimenez's art, which was outstanding from his depiction of the new Batman to the cityscape in the background. While the plot was a bit 'cards close to the chest', the cliffhanger ending really has me hooked to come back. This was the only great DC book out of five this month, hence it (only just) beating out Daredevil and
4. Lazarus #17 (Image) - By this point, I think I'm just going to give Lazarus a permanent top five place and have done with it. Issue 17 began the war which had been set up at the end of the conclave arc and, once again, Rucka has set the intrigue level up to maximum. I am so looking forward to seeing Forever at her most formidable, which I'm assuming is the plan and it was nice to see the return of Barrett family members. Although it was more a set up issue, hence its drop to fourth, it was still (unsurprisingly) a more quality book than most of the rest.
3. Black Science #15 (Image) - A few issues ago, I was starting to suspect Black Science just wasn't my thing. Well, I'm glad I stuck at it as Remender has his characters turn an corner and become more of the pulp sci-fi heroes I was expecting as the Anarchist league attempt to cure a killer virus within the Roman universe, all the while trying to avoid being killed. When it is at its best, there is nothing wrong with this book and I get to see that again here as the story flows at a heart quickening pace and in full, gloriously beautiful panels and when finished off with a shocker of an ending, it makes me glad I'm still here for the ride.
2. Airboy #1 (Image) - Airboy was a book which hit me totally out of left field. While it had initially intrigued me in previews, budgetary limits had decide not to get it. Well, thank God for my Pipedream Comics gig, which saw me get asked to read it and, boy do I not regret it. My full review can be found
here but it's suffice to say that this is a visually stunning book with a severely perverse, but engrossing story. In short, I'm glad I got to read this and am looking for financing to continue going forward, it was that good. In fact it only lost first place because of.....
1. Alex + Ada #15 (Image) - Quite possibly the most incredible comic book series I have ever read, this final issue of Alex + Ada deserved top slot both on its own merits and on one of the entire run as this love story reaches its end to show what becomes of our heroic star crossed lovers. While I will admit, that the ending seemed to tie up a little too neatly, this issue was a beautiful finale which tied up all the loose ends and really got me close to tears of happiness (though that didn't happen, I'm a guy after all). The only downside is that it's over, but it was a tremendous end to a fantastic series which I intend to get in hardcover edition just as soon as it's available.
And so, that's the end of June. Next month, I'm debating whether to change up to a top three as I've had to seriously cut my pull list or simply include them all from best to worst (or good to not as good). In the meantime though, I can relish in the (mostly) good memories this month's stash brought me, especially as I try to forget the poor DC books which came amongst them.
Note: All photos courtesy of Comixology (because I'm not that good at photography).
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