And, boy, Lazarus #19 certainly did not disappoint!!!

I've said it many times before but I'll gladly say it again; this is an amazing comic and this issue once again confirms it. However, it isn't the action as I read which I love, but the machinations which are subtly forming in the background. I now need the next issue like air to my lungs just to find out what Johanna and her stooge are planning.
Of course, that doesn't take anything away from the here and now as Forever's death causes so many characters to crumble, which is superbly portrayed by Lark and Arcas (I've seriously got to get Gotham Central). From the squad she was leading to big brother and current boss Stephen, it's almost like the Lazarus is the only thing which gives their lives meaning. Now, I didn't think for a second that Rucka would actually kill off his main character, but I loved seeing everyone's reaction to their perceived loss of her.
I'm already suffering the withdrawal of having to wait another month for the next instalment here, this is a fantastic book which is pure fan service, what with all the custom adverts, back filler and letters pages, which just makes me need to know what will happen next every single month.
So, it's safe to say I'm glad that Lazarus capped off my September reads, although I strongly suspect it'll have to be first in my reading list come the time to collect Octobers comics.
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