Monday, 28 January 2019

Missing True Believers 2019

This doesn't really have any impact on anyone, but with a week to go before True Believers Comic Festival takes place again, I just thought I'd spend a bit of time to ramble and vent.

(Not that venting is the right word as it denotes anger.)

So, I'm not attending this year. Since True Believers started in 2015, I have attend it's opening year, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Therefore, this'll be the first time since the convention began that I won't be there.

It's kind of heart breaking when you think about it.

I love going to True Believers!! In the last four years, I've met so many great creators and with each visit not only do I meet more but I get to see loads of people I call my friends. the Locks, the Angells, the Boyles, Matt Garvey, Andy Bloor, Mike Garley, the ACP, Sam Webster, the list goes on and on. Also, I get to walk amongst literally hundreds of people who are just like me; there to get comics and love them to the nth degree. You've no idea how positively life-affirming it is to be in that kind of atmosphere.

Also, the guy who runs it, Stuart Mulrain, is absolutely awesome!! Last year, I bought a necklace for my wife which turned out to be broken. Stuart helped me track down the vendor and I was able to get it sorted. Therefore, I will always have much respect for Stuart after that.

However, this year I just can't go, although the reasons I can't are in no way bad things or to be blamed. As I think I've mentioned previously when I restarted blogging, my wife and I are expecting our second child. This is great news, naturally, but it also means I need to stay home as carrying a child AND chasing a 2 year old is hard work (it is to me and I only do one of those things). Therefore, I can't in good conscience go off gallivanting and leave my wife to hold the fort.

The other reason is that I'm flat broke, having spent all my money on baby equipment and counselling for myself. And because every year I go to TBCF I end up going way over my budget for comics I can buy, I'm not sure I'd have the strength to stick to my £0 budget this year, or remind myself that I don't have anymore space to get more books.

I fear I've made it sound like I've been forced into not going and nothing could be further from the truth. I'm an adult (sadly) and it's my decision to skip this year, but I have to confess that I do wish my life was in a bit more of a stable footing (i.e. more money, an extra month until due date) to allow me to go.

True Believers is a great day! Always has been and I don't see any reason why it won't be again.

Therefore, if you are going, do me a favour and enjoy every second of it!! (Oh, and let me know what you buy :-) )

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