Friday 9 June 2023

The May 2023 Pull List Comics

After last week's burn through of my April Pull List comics, I decided I'd continue to catch up on my pull list comics this week by reading through the books released in May.

First I read She-Hulk #13, which saw the titular Jade Giantess continue to struggle in finding her balance between her dual lives. Here, we see Jen Walters continue to try and find a new status quo with current beau Jack of Harts post (his) repowerment, as the villainous Scoundrel from the last few issue also makes a play for her affections.

I'll be honest, I never thought of myself as someone big in to the soap-like melodrama but this series continues to hook me on it. Rainbow Rowell once again shows she gets She-Hulk perfectly as her world, which not so long ago seemed to be coming together, appears to be unravelling again before her very eyes.

Meanwhile, AndreÅ› Genolet returns to the art on the series and, I have to say, his style matches the high quality of the writing. It's bright, it's bold and it has this shine to it that I can't help but feel this comic looks like something from a dream.

I must admit, I never thought that anything would threaten the Fantastic Four's top spot in my pull list. However, this issue, much like the rest of the series, shows me that She-Hulk is offering some competition as I find myself struggling to wait for the next issue.

Speaking of Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four #7 (or 700 if we go by legacy numbering) see our now fugitive first family arrive at the spare home of Ben's dear Aunt Petunia (I think spare home? I mean, no one lives there). However, rather than have a little R&R (and renovation work) the team encounter a ghost which leads to a loss of the alphabet and the arrival of a familiar face.

Any fears I had regarding this run from the last issue have been firmly put to bed here as Ryan North gives a truly action packed and engrossing bumper issue. He also show that's he can write the appearing bad guy (I'm not gonna spoil, although I suspect Alex Ross' ever phenomenal cover might do that anyway) incredibly well, getting the balance of their ego and malice perfectly.

Iban Coello returns to the series and, once again, the switch from Ivan Fiorelli to him is practically seamless. Again, the style of his interiors is just so gorgeous and vibrant. I don't know if it is meant to be the new house style, given how it looks like Isaakze et al. in the prior run, but I'm really digging it.

I'm not entirely sure the story was what I wanted or expected from a centenary issue (sept-centenary?), but it was still a 'Fantastic' read, again, I'm not sure I want to wait a month before reading.

Finally for this month, I read The Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #3 where the Son of Kal-El continues his multiversal adventure with a stop in the Injustice universe, where the Superman and Batman of that world (as well as their respective followers) continue their battle for supremacy.

The third issue in and I have to admit, I remain on the fence with this series. Tom Taylor continues to be an excellent writer and the read itself is engrossing. However, with the ejection of Ultraman from the plot, the story feels to have lost direction, as the issues so far feel more like a trip through Tom Taylor's greatest hits.

Clayton Henry's artwork is equally solid but, after reading She-Hulk and FF beforehand, feels like it is lacking the same punch for me. That'd not to say it's bad work because far from it, but I just feel underwhelmed compared to those prior reads.

While I feel like I've blasted this issue, let me clarify, issue 3 is still a good read. However, from this creative team, I expected more and wonder if this mini-series will come across better when read as a whole.

So, that's May's comics done.

I'm unsure what I'm going to do for next week. I've just taken a job which lets me pick up my new comics as and when they come out and so I have FF #8 and Jon Kent #4 on my pile. However, I also have a lot of trades still to read and so I'm contemplating keeping the current format of reading all comics from a month in one go.

But, I'll worry about that decision tomorrow.

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