Friday, 30 November 2012

Indestructible Hulk #1 was smashing!!!

Although its been a week since its release, Indestructible Hulk #1 called out to me during an incredibly light week in terms of comic book pick-ups (only FF#1 came out from my buy pile, but that's a whole different thing). However, after reading through this book twice, from cover to cover, I've got to confess that the decision to buy this book was totally justified because this book was, in an apt word, incredible.
The book begins with Maria Hill, the new Director of the reformed S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence agency, sitting in a diner waiting to start a mission while fretting over where the Hulk is. Lucky for her the Green Goliath's alter ego, Bruce Banner, has just walked up to her and sat at her table. He's come with an offer for her; let him come work for her and let him be a scientist who can help make the world better and in return she gets the Hulk to send on missions that are too dangerous for anyone else. Banner thinks this is a fair deal and just to prove it to Hill, offers to deal with the mission she is currently waiting to complete.
And so, this is the basic premise of the issue, and the title going forward. I'm a big fan of Mark Waid (please let him return to Fantastic Four soon) and I'm so glad to see that he's bringing the vibrancy he has instilled to Daredevil over to the Hulk as well. The story, while mostly backstory and catch-up to prepare for the new status quo, feels fluid and much more compelling than the action scenes later on (not that they're bad either). The constant ticking clock, helps maintain a pace and provides the story urgency in it's completion. Meanwhile, Leinil Yu's art is not something I've actually seen in books before (despite him not exactly being new to the game), however, I am regretting it now as the he draws with so much energy and provides so much detail, which go hand in hand with the deep colours (The Hulk reveal panel was fantastic).
In all honesty, I'd made a decision regarding what Marvel Now books I was going to give a try, but I'm annoyed by that mistake as this new Hulk wasn't one of them. Now though, I have every intention of adding this to my buy pile just to see what happens next.

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