Saturday 8 July 2023

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #3

Getting into a groove, I've decided to keep trying to catch up on my unread pull list comics.

This morning's read has been Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #3, where Tom Taylor and Clayton Henry continue the adventure of the Son of Kal-El in the Injustice Universe as he begins to make plans to unseat his father's counterpart from his iron grip of this world. However, these best laid plans might be for nought if the doppelganger of Jon's best friend, Damien Wayne, has anything to say about it.

This penultimate issue continues to be as quiet and slow burn as its previous instalments, although I do feel this entry to the series was a lot more cerebral than what's come before. Tom Taylor feels to have really focused on Jon here, looking at his choices and his views about both himself and the world he's currently trapped in. As such, I've really enjoyed how Taylor seems to have characterised Jon, with the issue kind of showing that his opinion of what Superman should be is more important to him than his 'father's' opinions and praise.

I'll be honest, I found that not only was Jon more fleshed out here, but the supporting cast were also. Both sides of the Injustice conflict, Damien, Batman, Batgirl and even Harley Quinn came across as a lot more 'human' compared to before. Now, I'm sure they are all fully rendered in Injustice. However, for a guy who's only read the first year (I really need to get back to that), I preferred it as a neophyte who knows next to nothing about that world (beyond the obvious, I guess).

That said, this issue is still much too slow compared to what I was expecting of this series. I do wonder if this mini is designed to be one of those 'read everything all together' kind of series, but at this point, I am hoping that the presumed final battle will still provide a satisfying conclusion within those final 30 pages.

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