Friday 24 November 2023

Sensational She-Hulk #2

My pull list backlog had finally been completed (not that I expected it to take too long) yesterday with the reading of Sensational She-Hulk #2.

This issue picked up right where the last one left off, with Jade Giantess visited by her bigger, crankier cousin, who seems to have a bone to pick with Jen.

I have to admit, this series has gone from strength to strength in my eyes. From the beginning of 'She-Hulk' all the way to its finale and straight into its reincarnation with Sensational issue 1, Rainbow Rowell and Andrés Genolet's She-Hulk has maybe become my favourite Comic on a month-by-month basis.

Which is why it was a little upsetting for issue 2 to be such a let down.

Well, let down is a strong choice of words, as is upsetting, because the more accurate term would be it was frustrating to see and instalment go nowhere. And 'nowhere' is a very literal term as the end occurs in the same place as the beginning, as the issue seems to just fly by as it is no more than a single scene filled to fit 23 pages.

Of course, it has some interesting points. The reaction by Joe Public to the Hulk's appearance was humorous to the point of disbelieving (there can't be people that stupid in real life, can there?) As well as the return of a duo of characters from the last run, to prove their journey isn't over just yet.

Meanwhile, Andrés Genolet's art continues to just scream style, as it continues to have this eighties inspired vibe with a dreamlike aspect thanks to the pastel like colours.

Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad issue, but it is just OK. It felt like fourth issue of a five issue story; there to set up the finale but having very little to offer on its own merits. That said, like any part of a bigger story, I have no doubt that it'll read so much better when combined to make the whole.

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