After the forming of the brotherhood in the last issue and their release of the self-destructing Ultimaton to Cavern-X, X-Force find themselves transported to the future by a dying Gateway. greeted by Deathlok, the gang immediately have to go on the run from the authorities in this world, who just happen to be themselves. What results is a trip through a world that runs on X-Force's core mission statement; to take out threats before they become threats.
The characters continue to be written so extremely well, with Psylocke getting yet more screen time. With this book, it's a case of "come to see Wolverine and Deadpool, but stay for Psylocke" as her character development continues be more complex. She really is going through the mill in this series. On top of that is Deadpool who, while I hate with a passion normally (I can't believe his books sell out in my local shop), continues to be written in such a heartfelt manner. Finally there's the return of Deathlok, who is vast becoming that unofficial member. I've not known too much about Deathlok prior to this series, but his continued back-up to the main cast, along with his (cyborg side's) opinions on preserving life makes for a refreshing difference in viewpoint.
This story is further enhanced by the new artist Julian Totino Tesdesco, who comes in and provides fantastic visuals. The tone he sets is very grim and moody and standard dystopian, which is exactly what this story needs. Everything in here, from the stunning facial expressions down to Nightcrawlers "Bamf" cloud is so beautiful and resonates in the story perfectly. This style is a worthy successor to Jerome Opena's work at the beginning of the series.
This issue provides plenty of hints into where the immediate future of the story leads and with the shock ending I find my enthusiasm for this book has returned. Uncanny X-Force may have had a bumpy few issues in my opinion, struggling to keep me engrossed, but it's back to it's best, just in time for the big finale I hope.