Saturday 2 January 2021

My plans and goals for 2021.

So 2021 is here!!! Like everyone else, I know it has been a long old road to get here but, finally, 2020 is in the rear view and we can finally look ahead towards bigger and better things.

At least that's the theory.

For me, 2021 will be my 10 year anniversary of writing this blog (I started af the start of 2012) and, as such, I thought I'd just give a quick rundown (or possibly lengthy, depends on how much I write) of my plans and goals for this coming year. Now these arent resolutions per se because .... well, because I don't like using that word (it makes me feel worse when I fail at a 'resolution'), but instead this is a list of things that I'm aiming to do throughout the next 12 months.

Also, I've split them down between reading and writing because ... why not.

So, here we go.

  • Read an average of 1 comic a day - I worked hard at this last year and, while COVID-19 disrupted mid-flow, I thought I did ok. The one difference is that, for 2021, I want to do an average so that I don't feel pressured to read every night even if the spirit doesn't take me or time is limited. Given that, through 2020, I was averaging one trade of 6 issues every week plus an review comic. Therefore, I feel I should be able to hit a full 365 without too much trouble.
  • Read Mister Miracle - Now this is the one title I'm adding to the list for a very simple reason: after 12 months, I still haven't read it. Therefore, 2021 (ideally early) is going to see me make the Tom King/Mitch Gerads series a mandatory read.
  • Read 4 novels in the year - While not a comic centric goal, it does have comic related elements. Way back when, I used to read a tremendous number of prose novels. However, in 2020 all i ended up reading was a book about aspergers. I don't want a repeat of this, especially given that (like my comics) I have a big backlog. Therefore, I plan to read four novels in 2021, the Christmas Killer (which I've already started), the Journal of Silas Pope (a tie in to the comic series, Cognition), Leviathan Wakes (which I've had a couple of years) and one other book which I haven't yet decided on.
  • Pick up The Modern Frankenstein - I recently (like early December) saw an announcement for a comic series called the Modern Frankenstein by Paul Cornell and Emma Vieceli. Now, what makes this one special is the creative team itself as I am a huge fan of Cornell's writing and am absolutely in love with Vieceli's art (as evidenced when I talk about Breaks). As such, having this dream team on the same book, makes this a series worthy of my attention.
  • Pick up Our Final Halloween finale/Trade - The trinity of Mikes' (Messrs Garley, Lee-Graham and Stock) 4 part horror comic has been long awaiting it's finale (or maybe it just feels that way) just as much as I have as this has been a phenomenal series all the way since I reviewed it last year. The plan since I first read it has always been to get the trade because it is so good, I need a copy on my shelf. Therefore, despite Mike G's non-committal answer on the subject, 2021 is sure to not only see the end but the full trade. If this is indeed the case then, I'm definitely committing to its purchase.
  • Pick up Future in trade - Earlier this year, I was fortunate to review Tom Woodman and Rupert Smissen's Future, which is a phenomenal read if I do say so myself. Initially content with having a digital(pdf) copy, my opinion on the matter when Georgie of the Valkyries blog posted a photo of the hardcover. This converted me as the HC is stunning and, suffice to say, the format I want of this series has now change.
  • Pick up Teen Titans: Beast Boy loves Raven - I saw a recent tweet by artist Gabriel Picolo with art for this title and, suffice to say, I fell in love with this book right there and then. It made me think about the pairs dynamic on the Titans show which I think is so well done. Anyway, I've since downloaded the previews off of Comixology of the Raven and Beast Boy respective solo titles and will be keeping my eyes sharp for this project's release.
  • Pick up Untitled Stephanie Phillips/Peter Krause/Ellie Wright Crime Comic - Another title which was brought to my attention by the magic of Twitter, when Stephanie Phillips tweeted an image of Peter Krause's work and I saw it was a crime comic, I knew I'd need this. Of course, Phillip's and Ellie Wright's involvement are just as intriguing, but those first two points, I have to admit, have me hooked.
  • Check out Miracles by Joe Glass and Vince Underwood - I'm pretty sure I've known about this for a while but, in a recent conversation with Vince Underwood, Miracles was brought back to my attention. Now, Vince's work on Elk Mountain is stellar stuff and I can't stop praising all the work Joe Glass has done with Pride and Acceptable Losses, etc. Therefore, this is going to be another must check out when it finally comes out.
  • Catch up on Breaks, Vanguard, the Pale and Scurry webcomics - A few weeks back I not only analysed the first three trades of Vanguard but I also reviewed Breaks first volume after already speaking about it here. Anyway, I love both series but, for comics that are regularly released for free on the net, I severely behind. Therefore, in 2021, I want to make a concerted effort to catch up on both webcomics as well as Scurry and the Pale, which are other that I reviewed and loved, so that I can be more up-to-date on all.

  • Write a short story to submit to the Soda and Telepaths anthology - There was recently a tweet (funny how most of my info came from Twittee) shared by Anthony Pollock of Soda and Telepaths who stated that he was putting together an anthology and was seeing submissions of 8-12 pages. Now, no sooner had I read this tweet, I had an idea or two which I thought would match the criteria requested. Therefore, as I want to do more writing I figured that I would give this a go.
  • Produce my own comic anthology (Project Hail Mary) - Of course, as I have previously mentioned (almost ad nauseam on Twitter), I also have my own anthology idea percolating. Well, despite a great deal of umming and arring, I've decided to do my upmost to make this happen. I've gotten drafts of most the stories done, an idea of what artists I want and a plan of how I'd get them out. The only issue now is actually following through with this plan. Of course, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • Average three Pipedream Comic reviews a month - Now, this goal is not the most difficult as I average nearly one review a week currently. However, in order to allow for the above goals, I'd like to do an average of three reviews a month so that I continue to provide a good output while simultaneously freeing up some time in order to write for my other projects.
  • Average three blog posts a month - For similar reasons as the Pipedream comic reviews, I want to do no more than three blog posts a month in order to free up more time for other goals. Of course, my blog is a little more loose, as I only post there when I feel like it. However, I would like to maintain some sense of consistency and so limiting myself to three may keep me in a best of both worlds scenario.
  • Pick up some more editing work - Recently, I did some 'editing' work (for want of a better word) for Daniel Kalban on an up coming comic of his. Now, I really enjoyed what I did for him and would, in honesty, really like to try it again. Therefore, a goal for 2021 will be to find some similar work from creators willing to give me that chance. Now, I'm skeptical that I will have a great deal of success here as anyone who wants an editor would rather splash out for a good one. However, I lose nothing by trying.
  • Improve the layout of my blog - This last one is a bit of a cheat because I'm pretty happy with the layout. However, for 2021 I want to get into a habit of updating the lost of Kickstarters which interest me as well as produce a list of webcomics that I really like. Hopefully, this'll be the easiest goal on my list but time will tell.
And there you have it!! That's everything (certainly that I can think of) that i want to do in 2021. Now, i won't lie, given my previous years of doing lists like this, I'm skeptical that I will succeed of even half of my goals. However, as someone who needs to have focus and direction, hopefully these will all keep me in good stead to actually get something done.

Oh, and before I forget ...

While there hasn't (yet) been much fanfare about them, I recently read a couple of comics for review purposes over at Pipedream Comics.

The first was Theatrics vol. 2. Now, there isn't much I can say about this beyond what I've said in the review itself but i absolutely loved this read. It helped bring back to me the enjoyment which had come from reading the first volume.
I thought Gibson's writing continues to be great with this story. What I really enjoyed was the sort of moral ambiguity that seemed to come from Stephanie and Sam as they were like Rudy's Devil and Angel on his shoulders (though not always the same one every time). As such, felt that it was very compelling as it paved the way to what was (in hindsight) the only possible outcome.

Meanwhile, the art team continued to provide solid work, although I thought it looked much more 'heightened' than the first arc. Regardless though, I loved the look of it every step of the way, with my favourite being an absolutely killer final image to end the story.

This was a truly magnificent story and as such, I'm going to happily mark the Webcomic on a permanent basis to check it out again. I'd also be lying if I didn't say how very tempted I am to get the print editions.

After that I read I Walk with Monsters #1. Now, I know that i probably have a certain bias as i really loved Paul Cornell's work but I seriously think that this is a captivating read. This is because the speed at which I burned through was incredible and I was absolutely bummed out when I reached that final page.
I recently heard an interview with Cornell which states that this was a very personal project for him and, honestly, I'm inclined to believe that. This issue felt brutal (despite it's rather 'Stand by Me-esque art implying the opposite) and really came across as a truly complex thriller about the various monsters of the world. The figurative, the literal and the ones who might just have to become what they hate to beat them (so basically, I'm say Jacey is as much a monster as anyone else).

Now, I'm not going claim that it is perfect, as the plot in this opening instalment is rather bare. However, I really think that the potential far outweighs any problems this book has. I truly think that this is one of Vault's major winners. Therefore, I'll be getting this without question.

So, that ends the first post of 2021. Sorry if was a bit wordy, I guess I had a lot to unload. Maybe that should be another goal, to make my posts shorter. Nonetheless, how that my plans for direction have been vented, hopefully I can move onto what everyone really wants ... ths comics!!

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