Monday 29 March 2021

Talking comic book reviews in the interim.

It's been a fair few weeks since I last posted anything here. Unfortunately, this hasn't been due to laziness or a lack of trying on my part but as the past month has seen the trifecta of job, family and house have all but dominate my life.

As a result of this, my plan to re-read Superman Smashes the Klan has been delayed (although I have started to find time to read it) as I have come to learn that time isn't really a right, but more of a luxury.

Fortunately though, I have managed to make time to get a few reviews done for Pipedream Comics (don't ask me how I can do one but not the other) and, because I feel it has been long enough to go without posting something, I thought I'd put up just a quick little something to briefly mention these comics that I've managed to read during March.

First up was my review for Sharks of War #1-3. Now, I have to admit, I wasn't expecting much from this series, as the concept seemed too silly for my liking. Fortunately, as the review might imply, keeping an open mind seems to have done me some good because I found this to be a fun and engaging read.

I think the main reason for this is how the shark in question was written so earnestly. While the concept is absurd, the characters were not (well, maybe the bad guys). Also, despite its crazy concept, Ben Lacy also did his homework to make it believable.

The art is solid. I'm not sure what to say about it really. It isn't the greatest look in the world (in my opinion) but the creator admits in the back up that he worked with what he had and it works well to deliver the world. In a round about way I'm saying that I liked it.

I was pleasantly surprised by this series and if I get the chance I sure wouldn't mind seeing how it progresses.
After that came my review for Starside #3-4 (although I read all four first issues in order to review this comic). Now, as was the case when I reviewed the first two instalments, Starside continues to be an enjoyable series to follow and after reading the first four issues as a whole I find myself a lot more hooked.

I don't know what I can say that I haven't reiterated in the review, but I feel the story is so much stronger by issue 4, as it looks to set up an epic journey of a kidnapped man attempting to find his way back to Earth (similar to Farscape). The characters felt very relatable, which helped, and there were so many questions that I need the answer to (such as where did all the powers come from and what is Rigg's story).

As for the art, it isn't what I'd usually expect from a sci-fi comic (maybe a horror) but it really works I think and gives it a sense of unease and loneliness (I guess in that sense, because Jack is alone in space, it is horror). I recall the first couple of issues having some great potential and these extra two sell it to me even further. I think, as a result, I wanna keep my eye on this comic going forward.

My final review from the last few weeks was for God Summoner #1. Now, I have to admit, there is little beyond what is in the review with this one bit, suffice to say, I really enjoyed it. I thought God Summoner had this real epic fantasy vibe to it, with the issue making me thinking of a slew of comics and TV shows in its similarity.

I was absolutely engrossed in this issue from the moment I started, because of both the mesmerising story and the breathtaking art (which seriously reminded of the work from Cognition). The latter wasn't perfect, for it had some moments which were confusing, but this was a very minor issue and did nothing to impede my overall enjoyment.

This is, without doubt, another entry to my choices for 2021 top 50 as I look forward to future instalments and the reveal of where the story goes from here.

That's all I've got for now. I must admit, while I haven't had a chance to read the comics I was hoping to, this month has certainly given me some great opportunities to read to some truly killer comic books. I certainly look forward to keeping an eye on them going forward and seeing how their respective stories unfold.

For now though, back to my immediate goal of reading Superman Smashes the Klan.

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