Thursday 20 January 2022

#434 - Avengers Arena: The Complete Collection

As another week comes to an end, I am finding myself mindful of exactly how many weeks into 2022 we are. During the course of any given year, I find myself riding the bus to get to work (with the other nine having me getting some exercise on the bike), allowing me the opportunity to read more than any other period I commute to work does.

However, as of the day I post this, I only have two weeks left on my bus card, which means that the transition back to two wheels begins and a (hopefully slight) reduction in reading volume takes place.

As such, I'm eager to cram in as much as I can before my time runs out.

Maybe, however, as a follow-up to last week's Superman Red and Blue, I shouldn't have considered the eighteen issue Avengers Arena due to its length alone. That said, after a year of this complete collection sitting on my shelf, I was eager to get it read and wasn't willing to wait until the next bus card.

Avengers Arena: The Complete Collection by Dennis Hopeless, Christos Gage, Kev Walker, Alessandro Vitti, Richard Burchielli, Karl Moline and a whole host of others (seriously, it's a blog post just naming everyone included up to the letterer) is the entire eighteen issue run of the Marvel series which tells the story of sixteen young superheroes from the X-Men, Avengers Academy, Runaways and the Braddock (a.k.a. Captain Britain) Academy who find themselves kidnapped and abandoned on a remote island by the villainous Arcade. However, This is not the end of Arcade's plans as these formerly Z-list villain has seemingly acquired a major power upgrade and has brought these teen heroes for one simple reason: to survive his traps and kill off their opposing heroes in the next thirty days in order to survive and escape his newest game: Murder World.

Now, back when this initially came out, I remember picking up the first issue along with a number of other 'All-New' comics. However, starring a cast I had very little knowledge and connection to and with a premise that seemed to be based on the (at the time) recently released Hunger Games movie, I decided that this wasn't a series for me and decided to move on.

However, when I picked up and became engrossed in Avengers: Undercover a couple of years ago, I found myself intrigued in the story which led to what I had just read.

Fast forward to now and, with this copy finally opened up (only took a year of putting off), I have to confess that I don't remember or understand why I cut this series. First up was the fact that I couldn't remember any of what happened in the opening issue as I was reading through (with the exception of a vague thought of a flashback scene. I initially missed it on this read through and went back as I looked for it) which wound up engrossing me deeply in this story than I ever remember it had before.

In short, as I read through this collection I really felt that Dennis Hopeless had created an unbelievably brutal story as he pulled no punches in pretty much decimating the Marvel Universe's next generation of super heroes. I said a moment ago about how I had no connection to the characters when I first read it, but I now realise that this lack of connection was what would have made this such an excellent read had I have given it a little bit more of a chance.

The series made me think of the tv series Lost in its layout as the story seemed to just hit the ground running. With the the action coming thick and fast and the cast's attempts at survival practically dominating each and every issue (as it should), I liked how Hopeless focused on one character primarily in every issue, flashbacking to their pre-Murder World life to give some context to their personality and actions. In this respect, that was why I could only think of Lost as I read it (not the fact that its a group of people surviving on an island).

As a result of this 'focus' method, I really found myself compelled by every character (even if I didn't necessarily like them) and I was very intrigued by their actions and rationale. One character in particular though had to be Arcade. Getting roughly as much focus as each of his multiple 'hostages' (because there isn't really a better word), I've seen Arcade a handful of times in my comic reading life and to call him z-list may be a little cruel but is very much accurate. In Arena, however, I really loved how not only did Hopeless make him to near akin an A-list villain on a level bordering the Joker (ok, maybe not that good) but how he also show that levelling up and how with the Marvel world thinking him as much a joke as the real one.

So, overall it was a good story, weakened only by (surprisingly) Christos Gage's issue. That's not to say that it was a bad issue because his focus on the various teachers of these kids slowly realising that they are missing was yet another great read. However, for me, this issue felt like it really hindered the pacing of events on the island. Had this been an annual and left in the collection until the end of the book then I think I'd have been more happy about it. That said, it isn't something that'll make me burn my copy in spite.

Especially not when it comes down the artwork. I truly loved the work provided by the selection of artists, inkers and colourists brought on to this series as their various works were so colourful and yet contained such deep shadows that it really built upon the whole horror/unnerving sense that any character was about to be killed off (which given the low-level of all these players was totally possible ... unless you read Undercover first, like me). Then there were the flashback scenes which had this very cold, through a video lens look to them that made me wonder if these were flashbacks of events or flashbacks of Arcade studying his 'contestants' through cameras. Not all of the art resonated with me as Richard Burchielli's style didn't inspire me like the rest. However, much like the story in Gage's contribution, it's not enough to make me hate this series.

Quite the contrary in fact, as by the end, I found my really loving this series. Avengers Arena is a really excellent read, especially when it is accompanied by follow-up series Avengers Undercover. I must confess, after reading this series, especially the final few pages, I find myself wondering if Hopeless and Avengers Arena was a concept which was about seven years too early as I don't recall any major follow-up to it that might've been deserved (like the Outlawed event from last year). It is strange that (in-story) there was never any follow up in regards to youth superheroes or even reinforcement of the Superhuman Registration Act, but then again this is only a story.

Regardless, I'm certainly glad I finally made time to read it. Hopefully (one day soon ... ish), I can read both Arena and Undercover as a full story (and being a sucker for trilogies, see another, final follow up to it).

Oh, and before I forget ...

While I've been reading 16 Superkids battle it out this week, I've also managed to read a few comics for Pipedream Comics, the reviews of which have gone up.

My first review for Pipedream was (yet another) new Vault Comics title We Ride Titans #1 by Tres Dean, Sebastian Piriz, Dee Cunniffe and Jim Campbell. Now, as always, a lot of my thoughts can be found in the review proper but I will confess here that I really did enjoy this. What I loved about it was the whole family dynamic and the interpersonal relationships that were depicted in it. Both the art and the story really reminded me of Alex + Ada as well as Future both in terms of its look, its temperament and its pacing (and the fact both of those comics are amongst my favourites is a good sign for this one). By the end, I'm already looking forward to the next issue and I'm quietly confident that this might be joining Resonant and I Walk with Monsters on my shelf.

After this I had a review go up for Space Precinct Zero #1, a sci-fi comic by Chris Chandler and Jayson Santos. With this review, I actually ended up reading the first two issues (even if the review refers to only one) and while for the bulk of my thoughts you should read the review (go me plugging the bosses), I'll have to say that SPZ was a really fun comic. I felt that this comic was a really mellow read, which was exactly what I needed to wind down after the hectic day I had (on the day I read it, that is). I also really enjoyed the art (because I always love black and white) and it perfectly matches the action-packed tone of the story. Honestly, while I had never heard of this title prior to my review of it, I now look forward to checking out any future issues and hoping they are as enjoyable as the first two.

And that's my week done. A whole lot of comics (if you count it in single issues) and a whole lot of thoughts aired about them. Beyond the reading, very little else has been happening, although I shared my completed scripts with skilled writer Andrew Clemson who needed something to do (in my everlasting generosity) and I got some good feedback on them, which leads me to plans to amend them.

However, that's time I can carve out to do this coming week, just as long as I keep reading on the bus, then (for now) that's all which matters.

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