Thursday 26 January 2023

Review: AL15 Vol. 2

This week has been a case of trying to catch up on things that I've had trapped on my to do list for a good few months. Unfortunately, a case of forgetfulness, limited time (due to real life) and just an eagerness to read a few other things meant that those things I should have looked at sooner got pushed down the river a bit.

However, with the reading up of my December comics having finished at the end of last week, I figured now would be as good a time as any to make good on reading a comic that had been idling.

So, the last few days I've been reading AL15, Vol. 2: Broken Dreams, the second instalment of the Steve De La Mare's sci-fi adventure about Andromeda Lewis, 14th Generation who also goes by the titular 'AL15. Picking up from where the the first volume left off, AL15 continues her journey to return home to Viridi but finds herself on the dream land of Somnium Terram, where all who live there are living the lives they had previously only ever dreamed of. However, when all on this world are at threat, ALI5 (along with some unexpected allies) must risk her chance to return to her world to save this one.

Given this comic's continuance of De La Mare's ongoing story, Vol. 2 certainly struggles to remind readers, both new and returning (it's certainly been a while since I read Volume 1), of where the journey had reached thus far. However, despite this opening problem, I quickly found myself deeply immersed in this second instalment as De La Mare once again provided an epic but heartfelt story about one of the most 'human' characters I feel I've read about in a good long while; one who endeavours to do the right thing and inspires other to do the same.

Meanwhile, beyond AL15, the world and lore behind it that De La Mare has produced feels really deep and lived in. The landscape and the robots within it feels very ominous and have incredible personality respectively. Then there are the characters, all of whom, from those returning to the ones newly introduced, work really well together, with a certain new addition being a fantastic foil for AL15 and a prime example of showing of the best of the lead character's abilities.

As for the art, well De La Mare's art is chef's kiss of beautiful visuals. The style, which is very reminiscent of digital art seen in newspaper strips (a la Ben Lacy's Shark of War). However, where it seems to excel is thanks to the colours used, which are all incredibly vibrant and just truly stunning when combined with the pencils. As a result of this pairing, I really feel that this artwork really imbues the spirit of a true sci-fi adventure story.

I remember, after reading Vol.1: The Adventure Begins (which I wish I still had access to my review of) that I thought that this was a really wonderful and engrossing read. Well, it's fair to say the Vol. 2: Broken Dreams continues that vibe for me as, once again, I was really taken in by this story of Andromeda Lewis, 15th Generation and her voyage home (I had to get a Star Trek reference in somewhere) and it has me really looking forward to another chapter of this story.

I just hope there'll be a catch up page at the beginning to remind me where I am next time.

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