This issue contains (again) a very Psylocke-centric story. Rick Remender should have this retitled "Pyslocke and the Uncanny X-Force" because at the end of the day it is this character who is put through the ringer most often. Remender continues to channel through Psylocke the various philosophical questions that this book continues to raise, doing so with tremendous depth and gravitas. Remender continues to make this book, and it's overall theme, compelling, never missing a chance to imply deeper meaning in the writing while at the same time providing a clear idea of each character who has their own voice. He also, continually provides much needed comic relief given the subject matter, with the panels where Deadpool and Punisher interact coming off to me as absolutely hilarious.
The art is good and continues to aid the story, but in honesty, I do miss Jerome Opena on this book. Julian Tation Tedesco's style is incredibly moody and evokes a very Blade Runner sense to this issue (which is ultimately what the story is going for), and while it is good, it struggles to compare to the early stylized issues of the series which Opena provided. That said, the "time quake" sequence at the beginning of the issue is incredibly surreal and definitely is a great way of showing time falling apart.
Gearing up for a conclusion to it's second major storyline of it's run Uncanny X-Force is feeling a little more like it used to for me; deep, compelling and epic. If Remender will end this arc as fantastically as he did with the Dark Angel's saga is anyone's guess, but it's certainly one I'm want to see.
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