Wednesday 5 September 2018

Opportunity Costs.

This is a topic I've been thinking about for a while now because it seems to constantly applies to my life, specifically that part of it involving comics.

However, given that there's a tonne of sales going on at Comixology of late, it seems fitting to talk about it now.

I'm an accountant. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that but when I'm not spouting about comics that is what I do. I've been in that line of work since I was 18 because, simply put, I'm very good with numbers. While training in this line of work (and something which, surprising has stuck) was a business concept known as opportunity costs.

Opportunity costs are basically the costs gained or loss due to the timing involved in making a decision (I'm sure google can explain it far more eloquently). In layman's terms, it is the cost of doing something now as opposed to the cost of doing something later (or vice versa).

For example: I chose to buy DC Rebirth #1 as a digital comic. Because of this I gained, say, $1 worth of savings. On the flip side, I do not have a physical copy which "may" be worth something one day. Therefore, while I've saved a dollar in the short term, I could have cost myself much money in the long run.

Of course, that's just an example.

Anyway, this notion is something I'm finding myself dwelling on more and more in the last few days and weeks, especially when it comes to comic buying/reading. The main reason for this revolves around my digital pull list, which at the moment consists primarily of Black Science. Black Science is a monthly release which appears on Comixology for £2.49. It is also a fantastic, exciting read which I need more of immediately. It is also a title which, after 1 month (approximately), Comixology reduces the price of from £2.49 to £1.49.

Therefore, the question is do I buy immediately and lose myself an extra pound or do I suffer through a month of waiting knowing it's there to save money I can spend on other comics?

Same applies for these current sales. I have a wishlist consisting of (presently) 181 separate comic titles. Comixology. However, beyond my pull list budget (which covers my single issues, my Comichaus subscription and one trade every six months), it is a struggle to find additional funds to justify buying more. Therefore, when a great book ends up on sale as a digital book, I find myself with some new dilemmas: do I use money I may not have to get these book or wait for a later date when I'm guaranteed funds and hope there'll be back on sale.

As a result, I'm backing and forthing on multiple titles I really want to buy. However, I have questions rolling around in my head; can I justify the spend? Do I not already have enough in my to read pile (about 30 trades worth at present)? Do I really want to read it?

In the end, while it might be a cut and dried decision, it's these questions which will have dither until the very end because, for me, I have to finely balance my comic addiction with bills and all that real life stuff.

But then, I know that this won't be the last time that I will dwell on such a thing because, there'll always be more reductions and sales and I love comics too much.

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