Friday 28 July 2023

Fantastic Four: The End

So, I've just finished reading Alan Davis' Fantastic Four The End.

I won't lie, I don't remember when I picked up this trade. I recall it was a Christmas gift but was it from 2021? 2022? I simply can't recall. I think it was the former but, either way, it's a title that's been on my to read list for some time, one I wanted because it felt like a missing chapter in the FF story but one I could never find the enthusiasm to get to ...

... until this week, anyway.

Anyway, the story goes that, in the far future, the Fantastic Four are no more. With the loss of Franklin and Valeria years prior the first family has gone it's separate ways. Johnny leads the Avengers, Ben is a family man, Sue travels the world as an archaeologist and Reed reclusive works to maintain an intergalactic treaty between Earth and the cosmic powers. However, when events and villains past conspire to destroy the treaty (and the Earth with it), this family must come back together for one last time.

Now, it certainly has an epic ring to it and certainly fitting (in my opinion) for a Fantastic Four story.

Unfortunately, despite attempting to keep an open mind throughout reading this series, The End really struggled to capture my interest or enjoyment.

I mean, I certainly enjoyed the ideas which were put in place, as well as the artwork in principle, with Alan Davis' style reminding me of Carlos Pacheco's Avengers Forever work.

Sadly, I found the book, both in story and general layout (both the panels and specific visuals) to be very cluttered and chaotic. I loved that we got to see almost the entire FF rogues gallery appear and have hefty parts of the story. However, these, along with all of the Avengers and Inhumans who appeared, really felt like they were all fighting each other for page space rather than the future of the Earth.

Then there is the Fantastic Four themselves who, despite being the eponymous characters, were barely altogether enough that it felt like their name should be on the cover. Also, this came across as another title where Reed Richards got short changed (it seems to be a more common theme these days).

At this point, I feel like I've trashed this book far more than I planned to and, to be fair, it' not all bad. With so many characters who were so connected to the team, it does feel like a love letter to the book as a whole. However, for all its good points, it just struggled to captivate me as I really think a longer issue run would have helped it breathe.

Of course, I can't say it's a bad book, because all opinions (even mine) are subjective. I've only read one other comic by Alan Davis (ironically an FF annual), but I know that he has built a career on tremendous works that many love. However, right here and right now, this one didn't capture me that way and kinda let me down.

Fortunately, however, with Ryan North's current run and Full Circle still to read, this isn't the end, just a bump in the road.

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