Friday 18 March 2022

#449 - From my Pull List: March 2022 Comics (well, the first half)

This wasn't the blog post I'd intended to finish this week out on.

After what has essentially been a Kickstarter comic-heavy week where I've managed to read Hallowed North, Fairyfare, Vodou Cowboy and Shark of War on successive days, I had intended to read one last Kickstarter reward; the full four issues of I am Hexed.

Unfortunately, as the week has progressed, time has not been my friend, with less and less of it becoming free as I've moved through the days.

However, I said I was going to post five entries this week and, Gosh Darnit, I'm going to do that ... by talking about the first half of my pull list comics from March (which, in honesty, I've been reading on the sly for the last few weeks).

My first read from the pull list Fantastic Four #41, which carried on the Reckoning War as Reed continued to defend the Shiar, Johnny returned to Spyre in order to face his past and Ben found himself coming across his future a lot sooner than he expected. However, as chaos continued to rage throughout the galaxy, on Asgard a major force of nature is revived to play his part in the battle.

I continue to find myself really enjoying this 'event' (not sure if it counts as a proper event given it's not its own book) as I finished this issue. What I loved were some of the action set pieces that Slott set up, such as Johnny facing Annihilus (although a little reference to their past would've been nice) before inspiring Spyre to help in the fight was awesome to see and a reminder that, for all his faults, Johnny Storm is a passionate character (I mean regarding causes, because we know full well about the other thing). I also loved how Alicia inadvertently saved Ben's life just as he was about to meet his maker and, to cap it off, seeing events transpire resulting in the return of Galactus was awe inspiring (and in no way is it gonna cause trouble later, right?).

To be fair, all of these moments are only awesome to me thanks to the art. I'm loving what Rachael Stott is giving us during her short time on this book (Johnny's determined face in his helmet is a breakout panel for me). That said, it does falter with me in the look of Uatu at the beginning. This isn't my only flaw with the issue as, once again, the comic feels a little bit crowded again story beats wise. Also, where's Sue in all of this? It sure is concerning that a quarter of the book's core characters (particularly the female member) is missing.

Still, despite these flaws, this was another good read and I'm finding myself more and more intrigued about what Slott has lined up to finish the story off.

Next up I read Star Trek: Mirror War - Geordi, a special one-shot away from the mirror War proper which focused on the Enterprise-D's chief engineer as he attempts to escape an Agony Booth while reminiscing of his past and, more specifically, his time at Utopia Planitia (prior to Mirror Broken).

For me, I found this Geordi centric special to be another engaging read as it gave some insight into not just Mirror Geordi's live as a blind man living in a brutal society, but also giving an indication that compassion is a trait which can be found (even if it's probably not encouraged). As with the Data special, the writer has seemingly filled the cracks of the main story with this tale. Mirror War is not a lesser event without this story, but then this story doesn't contradict anything from that. I also liked the references to prior Trek series (in this case Enterprise), which continues to give me that sense of connectedness.

The art was also solid work. Crisp, clean, bright (though maybe a little too much so given the universe), I really enjoyed looking at it. This is especially the case with the panels of the mid-built Enterprise-D, which looks really fantastic in this style.

Overall, this was a good read and what originally made me think it was a fun little add on with Data, I'm a lot more sold on these one-shots now.

And finally I read She-Hulk #2, which saw the Jade Giantess deal with the long lost guest she found at her door. However, as this former Avenger details his life since his death and contemplates what to do next (on an unusually empty stomach), Jen must get back to normal life and her new job before she is fired prior to actually starting. However, as the world seemingly goes on, in a hidden and badly damaged laboratory, an unknown threat seeks the return of of She-Hulk's new house guest.

I thought this second instalment to the new She-Hulk series was a quiet issue compared to the first, but this didn't make it any less enjoyable. What I loved most about it was Jennifer's entire persona through the issue. This is because, despite Rainbow Rowell using the first issue setting her up as someone who is severely down on their luck, this follow up shows that even when her chips are down, she manages to show some real empathy and concern about both her guest and the world at large (as depicted in a great scene involving an ambulance. I even loved how she tagged her work). Otherwise, this was an intriguing issue as the newly returned hero Jen found at her door gave up his backstory (which confused me as he didn't seem to die the way I recall him doing).

As for the art, I'm really getting on board with Roge Antonio's art style (not that I wasn't in the first issue or anything). His artwork in this issue reminds me a lot of the Soule/Pulido She-Hulk run from a few years back, although containing a lot more of the vibrancy and fun from what I know of the Slott run. I honestly think that the style here gives us a balance of the two, probably best exemplified by (again) the ambulance scene (I've just thought, is that an in-joke? Because lawyers are ambulance chasers?!).

I previously said that I felt the first issue lacked a degree of direction but after reading this issue, I'm finding I care less about that. Sure, knowing where the story is going has me intrigued but I'll be honest, I'm just enjoying reading Jen Walters being the Sensational She-Hulk again (I didn't realise how much I missed it)!!

And with that, there ends the first half of the comics from March's pull list. All being well, I'll write something about the other three on this month's list after they have all been released (which, I realise, is also three comics consisting of Fantastic Four, a cosmic-related and She Hulk).

In the meantime though, I have a couple of weeks free so maybe I can try and kind the time to actually read I am Hexed.

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